Saturday, September 20, 2008


it is saturday. it is cold in maine. after waking to the joyous sound of gavin degraw streaming out of my cell phone at 6:20 am, i was suprising ready to row this morning. trudging through the fog and duck shit that obstructed my path on the way to the gym, nothing could put a damper on my mood. i had gotten 8 hours of sleep, the party down the hall had been broken up before i fell asleep; things were going my way. we got into the vans, listened to bottoms up about 50 times- it was a great day.

then it wasn't.

what kind of torturous creature gets college students out of bed at 6 am on a saturday, making them forfeit partying on a friday night, to do an AB CIRCUIT?

it was then that i discovered the true meaning of sadomasochism- i truly was being subjected to unpleasant and painful activity to derive pleasure on the behalf of the administrator, my delightful coach.

and thus is the story of another day when i woke up really early for no good reason.

1 comment:

stephania said...

ahh ames, who knew you were so hard core? that's what happens when you go to school in maine. flannel happens.